Hi everyone!
We are sorry to say that this project is definitely closed, we can not afford to continue investing time and money on it.
Since Google banned our app from Google Play, after banning all miner apps, our little income (not even enough to pay this web server maintenance) with this app disappeared, so after trying several alternatives we developed a new version and uploaded it to Apptoide but the number of downloads decreased to a 1% of the numbers we had in Google Play Marketplace, so at the end we had to decide to stop developing Tony Monero.
Anyway it was a year full of good things, developing day and night every time a new algorithm changed and looking for nice alt-coins to include in Tony, we found very interesting people in different coin developers teams and very supportive users of Tony that made us keep trying to offer our best in every new version. From here we want to thank all of them.
This is Tony´s last post, the web will be here for historic proposes until one day that Tony will definitely disappear, but remember this: Tony Monero app was freedom, represented the opportunity for a lot of people to start creating their own money from their smartphone, tablet, even Smart TVs saw Tony Monero and his friends dancing freely.
We want to remember all the developers behind the alt-coins all the effort they put in their coins and not to forget the pool admins and developers. This is our tribute to them.