Welcome TO
Tony Monero
Mobile Miner App
The high performance Monero (XMR) -and other altcoins- CPU miner, developed for Android mobile devices.

Why Monero?
Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. It is open-source and accessible to all. With Monero, you are your own bank. Only you control and are responsible for your funds. Your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes.

SEcure and private
Decentralized cryptocurrency, uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions, and stealth addresses to obfuscate the origins, amounts, and destinations of all transactions.

Sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts are obfuscated by default. Units of Monero cannot be blacklisted by vendors or exchanges due to their association in previous transactions

APP mobile mining performance examples
- LG Nexus5 – 10 H/s (2 cores)
- Motorola Moto G PLUS – 22 H/s (7 cores)
- Samsung S8 – 34 H/s (6 cores)
Please note performance is highly dependent on the number of apps running in your phone and whether your device is plugged or not. The numbers above are obtained on an clean system. Tasks heavily using a processor cache, such as video playback (Youtube) or instant messaging chat (Facebook´s Messenger), can greatly degrade hashrate. Optimal number of cores depends on the device.

CryptoNight based
Tony is able to mine Monero (XMR) but you can mine Masari (MSR), BitTube (TUBE), SumoKoin (SUMO), Fonero (FNO), IntenseCoin (ITNS), Electroneum (ETN) and many other altcoins too!!

Nicehash support
Compatible with most of the available mining pools.

Multiple COREs support
So you can mine with your mobile at your own pace.

Keepalived for prevent timeout
To avoid disconecting from the pool if your device connection changes. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive..

RoadMap to Freedom
Tony loves to dance freely so he is also aiming to free the cryptocurrency world by giving you total freedom to mine any altcoin in any pool of your choice, no restrictions at all.

Privacy Guaranteed
You don´t need to register to use Tony Monero so your privacy is safe with Tony.
Are you looking for a mobile miner to help your mining rig or to mine new alternative coins?

This is a Google´s world
Hi everyone! We are sorry to say that this project is definitely closed, we can not afford to continue investing time and money on it. Since Google banned our app from Google Play, after banning all miner apps, our little income (not even enough to pay this web server...
Create your mobile RIG or mine for your favorite cause – New webconfig
We have added a new feature to Tony, from 0.8.9 you can import/export your mining profiles by saving them in your mobile phone as a .json config file. Uses: You can send your profiles to your new phone, no need to write all again, you can...
What coin to choose to mobile mine
What to mine with my mobile? We recomend you not to blindly mine the currently most profitable currency. There are some things you should check when looking for the right currency to mine. Community and Roadmap You don't want to mine a dead coin. You should...
PoW Changes – List of cryptocoins that hardforked successfully
The following cryptocoins hardforked succesfully and you can still mine them with your Android mobile phone and Tony Monero as Tony works fine with them. Monero (XMR) Monero was successfully forked on April 6 at block height 1546000, from Tony...
5 coins to mine with Android and Tony Monero (Part III)
With this third post we want to show you 5 more coins that can be easily mined with Tony Monero and your Android smartphone so you will be able to choose what to mine depending on your preferences and needs. Sumokoin (SUMO) Sumokoin (スモコイン in Japanese) is a fork from...
5 coins to mine with Android and Tony Monero (Part II)
With this second post we want to show you 5 more coins that can be easily mined with Tony Monero and your Android smartphone so you will be able to choose what to mine depending on your preferences and needs. Masari (MSR) Masari (MSR) is a scalability-focused,...
5 coins to mine with Android and Tony Monero (Part I)
With this post we want to show you some of the coins that can be easily mined with Tony Monero and your Android smartphone so you will be able to choose what to mine depending on your needs. InterPlanetary Broadcast Coin (IPBC) InterPlanetary...
Tony Monero meets Fonero (FNO) – How to mine Fonero (FNO) with Android
Fonero (FNO), is one of the newest cryptocurrency in the game (as you know BitCoin was the first) is a young fork of Monero (XMR) and it´s main advantage is the use of the RingCT for all transactions. As Fonero (FNO) is very new the difficulty to mine it...
Monero’s advantages over Bitcoin
Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency that is open-source and accessible to all. When I explain it to people I compare it to Bitcoin but with completely invisible transactions. These are Monero’s advantages over Bitcoin Transactions are private....